Important guidelines about:
- Midterm exam
- Final exam
- Makeup exam
- Cheating
- Taking exams in other branches
These FAQs-Frequently Asked Questions, contains 18 questions and their answers. The questions are as follow:
- When does the student fail the course?
- How many midterm exams are there in a course?
- Is it possible to have make-up exam if the student fails to sit for MTA?
- What are the force majeure excuses for postponing the exam?
- Can a student do a make-up exam for his/her final exams?
- Is it possible to have an alternative exam for the Make-up exam?
- Is it possible to appeal on the Final Exam Grade?
- Is it possible to Review the answer script of my Final Exam?
- Is the Review of any course Grade possible after one semester?
- What are the Acts of Cheating in TMA?
- What is the penalty of cheating?
- What are the cheating material and tools in exams?
- What is the penalty of cheating in the exams?
- Who is in charge of making the penalty Decisions in cheating cases?
- Can the student appeal on the decision made by the Disciplinary Council in the branch?
- What to do soon before the exam?
1) When does the student fail the course?
If student mark in the continuous assessment is less than (15) out of (50) marks, an (FC) grade (failed in continuous assessment) shall be entered in student record), and If the student mark in the Final Examination is less than (20) out of (50) marks an (FF) grade (Failed in the Final Exam) shall be Entered in his record. If his final marks representing the total of Continuous Assessment and Final Examinations mark were below (50%). In such case (F) grade (Fail) shall be entered in his record.
2) How many midterm exams are there in a course?
There is only one MTA for each course.
3) Is it possible to have an alternative exam if the student fails to sit for MTA?
It is possible if the student submits a force majeure excuse within three days of the MTA date. If his excuse is found valid, the student may sit for an alternative MTA (Make-up exam) within 10 days of
The original MTA's date.
4) What are the force major excuses to postpone the exam?
I. Medical excuses
II. Maternity cases: The excuse of delivering a baby is accepted and valid for 15 days only after the date of delivery.
III. Death of first-degree relatives: Excuses are accepted only for 3 days' time after the date of death.
IV. Car accidents: An official stamped document is accepted only if the accident happens on the day of the exam.
V. Travelling Abroad: It is an accepted excuse if it is on business trip or medication and official documents have to be enclosed.
5) Can a student do a make-up exam for his/her final exams?
It is possible if the student submits a force majeure excuse within one week of the final exam date. If
his excuse is found valid, letter (I) – Incomplete – shall be entered in the student's academic record. An (I) student shall be permitted to re-sit for the exam on its first subsequent session (summer semester is considered optional). However, the course hours shall be excluded from his semester and cumulative averages. Should the student fail to re-sit the exam on its first subsequent session, the letter (I) shall be replaced with (F) – Fail – in his academic record.
6) Is it possible to have an alternative exam for the Make-up exam?
It is totally forbidden to postpone any make-up exam.
7) Is it possible to appeal on the TMA, MTA, or Final Exam Grade?
The student may place an appeal application on his TMA, MTA, or final exam mark online via the university official website within 7 days following the results announcement after paying the fees.
The Branch Examination Committee shall verify that all questions were marked, and that no errors
have occurred in the compilation or entry of marks. The student may re-appeal the higher committee in case of dissatisfaction with the decision of BEC.
8) Is it possible to Review the answer script of my Final Exam?
The student may request a review of his answer script of the final exam with the present of the BCC
and the PC after paying the fees and in case of finding any mistake in the compilation or entering
the grades in the SIS, the fees will be refunded to the student's account.
9) Is the Review of any course grade possible after one semester duration?
After one semester duration, the grade of any course is considered final and cannot be modified or changed.
10) What are the Acts of Cheating in TMA?
- Verbatim copying of printed material and submitting them as part of TMAs without proper academic acknowledgement & documentation.
- Verbatim copying of material from the Internet, including tables and graphics.
- Copying other students' notes or reports.
- Using paid or unpaid material prepared for the student by individuals or firms.
11) What's the penalty of cheating in TMA?
Any student found to be committing any act of cheating or plagiarism shall be referred to the PC who shall assign a committee of 2 members, to investigate and take its decisions in accordance to “Student Behavior Code and Disciplinary Actions Bylaws" in force at AOU. Such as:
- (Zero) score to be entered in the student's record of this course.
- In case of repeating the act of cheating in TMA, the student is referred to the Disciplinary Council to take its decisions such as one or all of the following penalties:
- Entering (F) in the course marking system.
- Expelling the student from University for 1 semester or more.
- Dismissing the student from university.
12) What are the cheating material and tools in exams?
- Mobiles, IPod's, calculators or any other electronics with memory features.
- Using the mobile phone for any purpose.
- Writing any related words on the hand, a tissue, a piece of paper, the wall, the chair or the pens.
- Using the headphone set.
- Talking to a colleague during the exam.
Note: Finding out about the cheating act later after the exam will not exempt the student of the consequences of this act including cancelling his certificate.
13) What's the penalty of cheating in the exams?
Any student found to be committing any act of cheating or any attempt to cheat shall be referred
to the competent disciplinary committee, which shall take its decision in scoring (F), in the course
and expelling the student from university for the following semester and in case of repeating the
cheating act the decision will be expelling the student for more than one semester or dismissing the student from university.
14) Who is in charge of making the penalty decisions in cheating cases?
The Disciplinary Council in the branch is the official authority to decide on the previous penalties while
the Supreme Disciplinary Council is in charge for deciding on appeal requests submitted by the students.
15) Can the student appeal on the decision made by the Disciplinary Council in the branch?
The student may appeal on the decision made in the branch to the Supreme Disciplinary Council
within 15 days of the decision announcement. The decision made by the Supreme Disciplinary
Council is not subject to re-appeal and is considered binding.
16) What to do soon before the exam?
- Coming early to know where your exam will be conducted.
- Bringing all what you need in the exam (your ID card, a blue pen, a calculator without any memory if needed…etc.).
- Students are not allowed to enter the exam after 30 minutes of its starting time and they are not allowed to leave before half the time of the exam duration.
17) Is it allowed to attend the MTA or Final exam in other branch?
The conditions to accept any request for attending the MTA or Final exam in other branch are:
- The course should be offered in both branches.
- The request should be applied at least one week before the exams date.
- Paying the fees for this service.
Wishing you all the best
For further information, don’t hesitate to contact us in the Examination Department on:
Tel: 24394256 - 24394401 - 24394402
Note: All information mentioned in this sheet is taken from the AOU Bylaws and the official documents that can be modified anytime due to any updated regulations with no responsibilities on the university towards others.