A New Smart Algorithm to Provide an Integrity Path in Networks for Improving the Abroad Healthcare Surgery Setting
Early Adopter Nation for Electric Vehicles: The Case of Iceland
Effects of External and Internal success factors on SMEs performance in emerging economies: Evidence from Saudi Arabia
Impact of diversity management on citizenship behavior: the mediating role of human resources management
Impact of process oriented Business Culture in Transforming Organizational Performance; A Case of Texaco
Modeling the Expectation Components of Service Quality across Genders in the Saudi Healthcare Sector
Policy Supports for Financial Stability
Project Risk Management Using Analytical Hierarchy Process: Illustrative Case Study
Role of Private Sector in G.C.C. Education
Smart Clean City – Kuwait
The effects of online learning on long-term education after covid-19
The Rooted Dweller: Paradoxes of Exile and Homecoming in the Poetry of Derek Mahon
Thermal Face Recognition under Spatial Variation Conditions
Transformation of Texaco and Barriers to its Implementation